Monday, April 07, 2008

Competitiveness....Sometimes a Good Thing

Isaac, as most people know, is a people pleaser. He loves to make people, anyone, happy. For quite a while now, if his brothers say they don't like something, Isaac loves whatever it is. For example: if we are eating some "strange" vegetable like mushrooms, onions, squash, etc., his brothers will talk about how gross it is - before they even taste it. This makes Isaac at least taste the food - and usually he says he likes it.

Lately, Bryce - who has hated ALL vegetables since he was a baby (too the point of making himself throw-up), suddenly LOVES vegetables - of all kinds. He is ASKING us for vegetables. We went to the grocery store and he kepts asking Paul for peas, but picking up green beans. Paul got the green beans (canned) and when we got to the frozen vegetables he saw snapped peas. He showed them to Bryce and asked if that was what he was wanting. It was and we had snapped peas for dinner. How someone who H-A-T-E-D vegetables can suddenly flip a switch and LOVE them and beg for them, I don't know.

Sometimes a little healthy (literally) competition is a good thing!

Here is a hint: it further helps if you let the one that hates vegetables pick them out and/or help prepare them!

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