Thursday, February 15, 2007

It Takes A Village!

It has not been a very good couple of days!! Wednesday, I woke up about 1:30 am sick. I was up praying to the porcelin gods ALL night. On top of that, I was having wierd cramps under my ribs (instead of the usual lower abdomen). I passed out three times Wednesday morning - luckily before the kids were up (Paul is still out of town).

I could not even get up to take the kids to school. Thank God for good friends! A friend came and picked up the boys and took them to school. I called the dr and they called me back and told me I needed to come into the office, and they were going to work me in. I got another friend to take me to the dr and drop me off.

The dr decided that he wanted me on a fetal monitor to see if I was still having contractions and also wanted me on an IV with phenergan in it. I had Bryce with me, so yet another friend (the husband of the one that took the kids to school) came and picked up Bryce - that way his wife could pick up the other kids.

I slept the entire time I was there. I was already exhausted from absolutely no sleep that night, so it did not take much of the phenergan in my system before I was out. Poor Paul was calling pretty frequently trying to figure out if he needed to be on the next flight home. I kept telling him to wait and see what the dr said.

I was having contractions still, but the baby was doing great. I took 2 bags of IV fluids. I was at the office for 3 or 4 hours. When I was finished the friend that took the kids to school and picked them up came to pick me up at the drs office. She took me home and kept the kids at her house until church. I slept from 5:30 to 8:15, when some more friends drove two vehicles to church so they could bring my kids home. Not only did she bring them home, but she got them ready for bed. All I had to do is tuck them in.

I was back in bed by 8:45. After months of getting up every hour at night to use the bathroom, I did not wake up once! That just shows how dehydrated and exhausted I was!!

I don't know what I would have done without all the help and support I got yesterday! Even today many people called to check up on me and offered more help. It is so comforting to know there are people around you to help you when you need it.

Today, I have felt better. I have eaten a little, working on getting fluids in and taking it easy. I quit my part-time sub job this morning. I just told her I could not chance being put on bedrest with 3 kids. I have had contractions for 4 days, and even though so far they are only Braxton-Hicks, I cannot afford for them to turn into labor contractions! Luckily, she took it well! I have still been having the cramping and feel pretty weak, but I am functioning and that is a lot more than I could say yesterday!

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