Monday, February 12, 2007

30 Week Check-up

Well, I had my 30 week checkup today. We got the due date confusion straightened out. He is not sure how he had me two weeks ahead, but I am due the end of April, I am 30 weeks right now. He said the baby was probably stretched out the last couple of times they measured and that is why he has been measuring big. Today, he measured at 30 weeks.

He likes to stretch out. I am not getting a whole lot of sleep because of the stretching and he makes it pretty easy to tell which way he is laying. I can feel him stretching on both sides or top and bottom. For example - right now he is straight up and down, dead center with my belly button. I can feel his butt and his head (though I cannot guarantee which is which!).

His heartbeat was going strong, as always. Somehow the dr. remembered that last time we were there Caleb said his heartbeat sounded like a horse and Bryce said it sounded like a train. So when he started listening to the heartbeat today, he asked Bryce if it sounded like a horse or a train. Bryce said a train. It is amazing that with all the people he sees, he remembered that conversation with the kids.

I start going every two weeks now, so my next appointment is on the 26th. I have a feeling the next 10 weeks are going to go by slowly, due to how uncomfortable I am!! It will all be worth it though, if it makes him healthy and strong!!!

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