Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Catch Up

Okay - so yesterday I had my 32 week check-up. Everything is going good - still measuring where I should be. I go again at 34 weeks - and I will try to get a side shot up soon!

Yesterday, after my appointment, Caleb's school called to let me know he was not feeling well. His throat was hurting and he was not able to eat his lunch because of it. I called the dr on the way to pick him up and the soonest I could get him in was today. Yesterday afternoon, his torso broke out in a rash. By last night, it had spread down to his bottom.

This morning - he got up and was covered from his neck to his toes in this rash. It is worse in his arm pits, behind his knees, his feet and groin area. I took him in this morning - it is strep. Apparantly, there is some kind of strep that causes a major rash that is worst in all the places I previously mentioned. The dr said it was so textbook - he did not even have to do a throat swab. The good news - because he broke out in the rash first - we were able to get him antibiotics BEFORE his throat got bad. He was just getting the first spots on his throat when we got to the drs office. The bad news - his skin could peel (like it would if he had a sunburn) everywhere he broke out in a rash. I am not kidding when I say he is COMPLETELY COVERED in spots. Tonight he pointed out that he had blisters forming on his feet.

I must brag a minute here - when we were at the drs office the nurse asked if Caleb was allergic to any meds. Before I could answer he told the nurse he was allergic to penicillin. I was so impressed that he knew to tell her that and actually got it right! I am glad he knows that and understands the importance of knowing it.

So, yesterday Isaac got into the refrigerator and drank Caleb's gatorade. I told Isaac that he was going to get sick and he says "No, I feel fine." I explained that it would not be instant - it would take a few days. The countdown to Isaac being sick now begins! Luckily, I told the dr about it and he said that if Isaac broke out into a rash to call and they would just call in an antibiotic. One less visit - YEA!!

GOOD NEWS - I talked to Paul a little while ago. They are going to be getting done to late to fly back Friday, so I think they are going to drive home Friday evening (it is about a 6 hour drive). He knew he would be home for the weekend, but thought he might have to go back. Well, after Friday THEY ARE DONE!!! That means he won't have to leave (hopefully) again - at least not to Kansas City! We are ready for Daddy to be home! I don't think he has been home a full 2 weeks since we moved into the house - and that has not been a straight two weeks!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Caleb. Meaghan - you better be careful. The last thing you need to do is catch strep throat. I hope all is well and that you are enjoying the house. Put up pictures of the inside when you get a chance. Love, Lindsay