Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I Got Spoiled

Okay, I have been spoiled. We have always lived within a couple of blocks of the kids schools, since Caleb was in Pre-K in Texas. Not anymore! Not only did we move, but Isaac's school moved so now I have even further to drive than before.

I must give Paul credit, he is still taking Caleb to school in the morning and it IS out of his way! What is so hard to adjust to is that Isaac gets out at 3 and Caleb closer to 3:30. I don't really have time to come home between then like I did before. So now, I have to sit in the car with two kids who DO NOT want to sit in the car!

We will get used to it, eventually! Isaac just started his new school today. It is NICE!! He has been so excited, looking forward to his new school. If the boys don't get to stay at the school they are at, the school they will be going to is a couple of blocks away. As much as I dislike having to drive the further distance to the other school, I REALLY want Isaac to do Kindergarten there next year. He already knows all of the therapist he will have at that school (in fact, his Occupational therapist he has had since he started OT). I just don't know how he will handle ALL the changes at one time if he has to go somewhere new.

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