Saturday, September 09, 2006

Wichita Kansas SUCKS!!!

So, we went through Wichita on the way and way back. On the way we exit for our hotel. On the exit ramp we passed a police officer who pulled us over. He asked us where we were going, why we were in Wichita and where the city we live in is located. After answering all of his nosey questions, he told us that he pulled us over because our license plate lights were out and told us to get them taken care of ASAP. Then we were off.

On the way home, at about 9 pm, we were going through Wichita again. Paul noticed a police officer and slowed down. About the time Paul saw him he turned on his lights (we still were not passed him). Paul had already slowed to the speed limit and the radar detector never went off so we just continued on our way. The police man gets behind us and rides for a minute then turns on his siren lights. He turned them on right before a bridge. Since it is not safe to stop on the interstate (especially since there was no shoulder on the bridge), Paul slowed down below the speed limit and exited.

He turned on the first road that he saw and immediately stopped. Apparantly our Suburban with the soccer team stickers on the back and the kids sleeping in the back and the family dog, all makes us look like the local thugs! The police man comes up to the car and tells Paul to put his hands on the steering wheel. I had one hand in my lap and the other was holding the dog so that he did not attack the officer. The officer yelled at me to get my hands on the dash "NOW". I let go of the dog and hoped for the best (he does not like men in uniforms because he was abused by one before we got him). He asked Paul why he did not stop. Paul tried to tell him that he knew it was not safe to stop on the interstate so he exited and stopped as soon as he could. The officer started yelling at him telling him he did not get to choose where he stops - he stops where the officer tells him too (I guess next time he should just stop in the middle of the road where the cop turns his lights on!!)

He continues on by telling Paul that with the neighborhood that he pulled into it would seem that he was trying to run. Hello sir, in case you did not notice - we are not from Kansas - we know NOTHING about Kansas (other than the police suck!!). He took our insurance and his drivers license and went and sat in his car for about 10 minutes (so nice for him to take his time in such a horrible neighborhood).

He comes back with a warning for evading the police, and a ticket for going 78 in a 60. Paul asked for proof that it was him because he was not going that fast. The officer said that he got him with laser not radar. Paul asked him to show him because he was not speeding (and our radar detector picks up laser and never went off!). He told Paul that there was no one behind us for 2 miles and that he was not going to stand there in that neighborhood that late at night and SHOW us that we were speeding. If we had a problem with it to come to court and fight it.

There may not have been anyone behind us, but there were 2 cars in front of us AND he turned his lights on before we were even to him. He just saw that we were out of town and decided that he knew we would not be back to go to court so we were an easy target. Now we have someone elses ticket to pay. It would cost more to go back to Kansas to court than to just pay the ticket!

From now on we find another way to Colorado that does not include Wichita!!!

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