Monday, September 11, 2006

First Dr's Appointment

Sweetpea's little pea

Well, I had my first ob appointment this morning. It was LONG!! They had to do all the normal annual exam "stuff" then LOTS of paperwork!! The doctor ordered an ultrasound so he could check on the due date. We had Bryce with us and he was SO excited just to hear the heartbeat, so when we told him he would get to see the baby on a tv he was VERY excited. He went back with us and sat and Daddy's lap. When the technician turned the screen so we could see Bryce's face just lit up with excitement. "MY BABY!?!" he yelled with excitement. It was so funy because I did not expect him to know what he was looking at, but he pointed right to the baby.
He started to say something, but heard the heartbeat and stopped. His face lit up even more and he again yelled "MY BABY!?!" Bryce took the picture when the technician handed it to us and he loved, and still loves looking at it. It is so nice to see him so excited about having a little baby here.

So here is where we stand. I am 7 weeks and 5 days (almost to my third month). The babies heartrate was 165bpm, which is within the normal range. The due date is April 27, 2007. Daddy is hoping she (or he) will decide to come early - you know, maybe around the 16th (Daddy's birthday). Everything looked great on the ultrasound. The baby is the size she (or he) should be and in the correct location.

I told the doctor that if he would tell my I was having a girl, he would be my favorite doctor ever. He thanked my for the lack of pressure and told me we would do an ultrasound at 18 weeks (ONLY 10 weeks from now!!) to try and see the sex of the baby and check to make sure I do not have placenta previa again.

I really like this doctor. He has nine kids of his own. I told him he must be a pro by now and he said that his wife is a pro - not him. I congratulated him for giving credit where credit is due!!! He was lucky enough to have 5/4 (although I don't remember if it was 5 girls/4 boys or 4 girls/5 boys, but that is split pretty even!!

He also gave me two different kinds of medicines for my nausea. One I am supposed to take as soon as I wake up, before I get out of bed. The other I am supposed to take at bedtime. I did not know there was medicine to help with the nausea, I thought they only had it for the vomiting!! I was pretty excited to hear there were some medicine to help me function!

Next appointment - 4 weeks.

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