Wednesday, September 27, 2006

This Just In!! This Just In!!

BRYCE HAS GAINED WEIGHT!!! After being 26 pounds for over a year, he went to the dr today and after I FINALLY got him on the scale we found that he weighed 30 POUNDS!!!! It has just been such an exciting day!!

The nurse asked if I thought he would give a urine sample. I told her I didn't know but I would try. Then I added that it was not the cup, but the betadine wipe I had to clean him with first. I remember when Isaac had to do that. He did not like any of it, but that was the worst. You pull out this orangish-brown wipe and want to wipe what with it?

After I finally got him held down and wiped him he start freaking out because he was orange! I told him he got to pee in a cup and he quickly set the orangeness aside (if you don't know he LOVES peeing in cups and bottles - would even do it at home if I let him!). The second he was done he demanded that the orange get washed off.

I get a paper towel and dampen it. As I was washing it off I noticed (and so did he) that the white paper towel was turning purple. He asked what the purple stuff I was wiping on him was. How do I explain to a three year old that although it is orange, when I wipe it off it turns purple (especially since I don't understand it!!!)

We got back to the room and the dr came in. He checked Bryce out and asked questions and told me that he thought it was just a virus and if he was still running a fever Friday to bring him back. Then he decided that he wanted to do a blood count to make sure it was not phnemonia. He was not fond of the finger poke (duh!).

Everything came back good, so we are figuring it is just some kind of fever virus. Hopefully is lack of eating does not cause him to loose the weight he has FINALLY put on!!!

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