Thursday, September 14, 2006


Okay, so last night we are sitting on my bed and Isaac complained that he had something in his teeth. I told him to go brush his teeth, but before I could get up he calmly turns around and says "heres my tooth!" I thought he meant whatever was in his tooth, but it was actually a tooth.

After a quick inspection of his mouth, we found that one of his bottom front teeth had come out, and that the other 3 lower front teeth were loose. We kept asking if he had fallen or hit his mouth and he kept saying no. There was no sign of injury (no bruises or fat lips), so I was a little concerned why his undamaged teeth were falling out - HE IS ONLY 4!!!

So this morning, with fallen-out tooth in tow, we went to the dentist to have it checked out. They did an x-ray and he already has two permanant teeth coming in. Because his baby teeth are really tiny, and the big teeth are...well...big, the new teeth are actually pushing out 4 baby teeth. But, there is apparantly no reason to be concerned!

I am though! Isaac is in speech and needs lots of help. His teeth coming out was the one thing I WANTED him to be late of course it is the ONE thing he does early!! I only hope that the permanants come in quickly!!

Then after that - we went to the dermatologist at Children's Hospital about the mole on his hand. The dr is not concerned about it NOW, but when he gets closer to reaching puberty would need it removed. There is melenoma skin cancer on both sides of my family (not sure about Paul's side). Although the chances of him getting melenoma skin cancer before puberty are rather small (the dr has only seen two cases in his 15 years of pediatric dermatology), he would rather no risk it.

Paul is kind of uncomfortable with him having it done now. I somewhat agree with his concern that we don't know that Isaac could leave it alone and keep it clean enough for it not to get infected. It will require about 10 stitches. My other concern though, is that if we wait he is going to have a hard time in school and whatever activities he is in. The mole is on the palm of his right hand (the hand he writes with and does everything with). I think it is better to do it NOW before his life gets any "busier."

The drs office is going to set up an appointment at Children's with a plastic surgeon to have it removed. It will require Isaac being completely put out to ensure that he will be still and calm enough to have a minimal scar. They are going to try to have it scheduled for this year - so it should be done in the next couple of months.

Poor Isaac - it is just one thing after another with him. Hopefully he will have a quick recovery from it though! He has always done great with past surgeries and healing fast (tubes, adenoids, tonsils, tubes, etc).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isaac has a gentle and kind spirit, is a 'laid back' kind of guy...just give him lots of love and he'll do great! give him a hug and a kiss from mar mar.