Monday, September 25, 2006

Bad Car

Today when we left to get the boys we were in the garage and Bryce was getting in the car. He got in and said that this car was bad and we were not going to buy it. I told him it was to late, we had already bought it. I asked him why the car was bad. "It makes it keep raining and thundering."

It is funny that he put that together because I think out of the week we have had it, it really has rained most days. It was raining the day we bought it so he associates it with the rain I guess. It is neat to see how he is putting two and two together!

Maybe it IS causing it - kinda like how when you wash your car (especially if you have not washed it in a long time and it is black and looks REALLY bad) it always rains by the next day!!

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