Monday, September 25, 2006

FIRE At Our Church (Which Means FIREMEN At Our Church!!)

Tomorrow is Mother Day Out. I got the house cleaned up today and the garage cleaned up (so I can park the car in it easier) so tomorrow I am taking the kids to school and coming home, putting on pajamas and climbing into bed for the day. How much you want to bet I have a sick child tomorrow?!?

Oh yeah - I remember something I meant to post. Last Thursday when I took Bryce to MDO, we were standing outside the preschool hall at the church waiting on the doors to open. One of the ladies came out, but a few minutes early. Now usually they open the doors at 9:30 SHARP!! The kids all got their stuff ready to walk in. She sticks her head out and calmly says "You should all go wait outside. There is a fire in the high school hall." (which is attached to the preschool hall).

So we all go outside. We are out there in the parking lot for a minute and my brain realized what was going on. THERE ARE GOING TO BE FIRETRUCKS COMING HERE - BUT NOT TO PLAY!! I knew this was going to be hard for Bryce to understand because he is used to being able to take off to the firemen when he sees them. I have been wanting him to see them at work so that he could understand that they do more than drive cool trucks and have water fights, but our church burning down was not really the way I intended to drive this lesson home to him!!!

About that time I start hearing sirens. I quickly try to explain to Bryce that they were coming to work and he COULD NOT run to the truck when they pulled in. Unfortunately, my brain did not connect all of this soon enough and by the time I was trying to explain this all to him, I had lost him in the sea of sirens.

The first firetruck pulled in. He was disappointed because it was not Ronny and Daniel, but still very excited at the commotion. Then the fire chief pulled in. He went around telling everyone that the fire chief was here. Shortly after, the Special Ops truck came followed by a second fire truck. I thought Bryce was going to explode with excitement, and he was getting hard to hold on too.

I told him we could walk over to where we could see the firemen at work, but we had to stay way back and out of the way. We went and stood at the end of a row of parked cars. We stood there and watched all the commotion for a few minutes when we heard some more sirens. As soon as the ladder truck came into site, Bryce starts screaming "Ronny and Daniel, Ronny and Daniel!!!!" I, again, started trying to remind him that they were busy and could not talk right now. We stood there and watched as Ronny got on top of the truck and got the ladder positioned over the roof of the church.

About this time the Chief went over to the group of kids and parents and told them it was safe to go in. He then comes over to us, and apparantly recognized Bryce (we don't see the Chief a whole lot). He came and told us that it was safe to go in, but that if we wanted to go up closer to the truck they were going to run some drills and Bryce was welcome to watch. So we went and watched for a little while and when they were done with the drill, the Chief told Ronny he could go see Bryce. Bryce had to ask lots of questions about what happened and why all of the firemen were in their turnouts. Then he had to have every compartment opened on the truck and get in.

About 30 minutes after MDO actually started Bryce actually got to class. There was not a fire, but apparantly there were sparks going up and around the electric box. There were some people working in the ceiling and spotted it and called the fire department. Everything was fine, the church did not burn down! Bryce spent the rest of the day talking about how the church caught fire and all of his "fire buddies" had to come put it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember how much Scott, Keyan and Corran liked visiting the fire department. When Scott was going through Chemo we took them to meet the EMT's and see the ambulance so that if Scott needed to be transported to the hospital he would have a little bit of idea as to what to expect. They absolutely loved it. However, I have never seen a child as into fire trucks, firemen etc - and for this long - as Bryce has been. It will be very interesting to see where he is in 20 years. I love you and your guys very much!!