Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A "Virus"

Sunday, Bryce was fine all day until about 5pm. He came in whining and I went to pick him up and he was very hot. I checked his temperature and it was 101.9 degrees. Less than an hour later is was 103 degrees. I gave him some medicine and he laid down and watched tv for a while. He got up about 4:30am Monday but was back to sleep shortly after. He slept ALL DAY! I am not exaggerating about that. He woke up long enough to have the dr check him out and went back to sleep. He slept while we were at the store and then came home and slept in the rocking chair all day (and still slept all night). His fever was above 103 all day, and just wore him out.
The doctor said she could not find anything, and to just keep an eye on him. Today he was fine most of the day. He played and took it easy. This afternoon though he got really fussy again. I took his temperature and it was 104.2 degrees.
Isaac came home from therapy today with a fever. He has acted fine all day though. I don't know what this "virus" is, but it sucks!

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