Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Fire Station Photos

They give Bryce his own helmet!

Teaching him how to jump in puddles of soap

Checking all the valves

Jumping in puddles and splashing the Captain

Washing the fire trucks

"See that man in the white shirt (the captain)? He wears a white shirt because he really likes getting wet!" the fireman tells Bryce as he points the hose towards the Captain.

Washing the truck

washing the other truck

Bryce decided the truck needed to be dried now - with 2 paper towels
(they did not go very far)

helping clean the floor of the fire house

scrubbign the floor with the same paper towels - someone needs to be paying this boy!

scrubbing the fire truck - yes, still the same 2 paper towels

"Open this door!"

Getting cleaned off after falling in the soap

Time for a drive

Bryce's head is peaking over the top of the door (bottom of window)

On his own

Not for long though!

Looking at the lights on top of the fire truck (he turned them on himself)

Learning how to use the wrench that they use to take the valve off of hydrants

All valves open (and water coming out the bottom)

Squeeging the floor

He does not look the same with his uniform on!! (Never mind shortly after he goes for a ride with him by himself)

Looking behind doors

"Yucky water"

"I'm not getting wet!"

"The rake is stuck!"

Going on first ride (of this trip) - with no Mommy this time

Leaving - first ride
Isn't that truck shiney and clean!

coming back - first ride

pulling in

getting back -- second ride (different truck)
another pretty clean one!

Bryce learning how to scare everyone to death

Bryce and one of his new buddies

Bryce and all of his new buddies

One of the fireman was opening a valve for Bryce. Bryce stepped back just in time, because the fireman had water shoot out of the valve and all over him!!

Fireman puddle jumping

The fireman go for a walk

This is what happens when you play with fireman

Close up of what happens when you play with firemen (no he did not fight a gire, just looks like it!)

Bryce's gift from the firemen

What happens when a 2 year old does not take a nap before playing with firemen for an hour and a half!! (we were not even off the street the fire station is on when I took this photo!!)

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