Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bryce's Heroes (Other Than Daddy!)

Well, we had another visit to the firestation, but this time we took the camera!!! He acted like he had never seen any of this stuff before! They already had the trucks pulled out when we got there (both of them this time!). They were working on washing it when we got there, so Bryce got to "help." The chief came and Bryce was getting coached by the other fireman to spray him. I think by the end of it all, everyone ended up getting wet!

After he helped wash the trucks and tried to dry them with 2 or 3 paper towels (you can imagine how far that went on a firetruck) he helped Ronny and Big Al wash the floor of the firehouse. There was water everywhere!!

Ronny put on his fire suit for Bryce, but this freaked Bryce out!! I guess he just did not look the same with all the gear on!! Bryce decided that he needed to see what was behind all the doors again, on both trucks. After they went through ALL of the doors, he wanted to see how the valves worked. He now knows what pretty much everything on those trucks do!!

They asked him which truck he wanted to ride in. He pointed to the same one he rode in yesterday. Ronny took him for a ride, but Mommy did not have to go this time - these are Bryce's buddies now! When he got back and finished playing with all the gadgets INSIDE the truck, he got out and ran to the other truck saying "ride, ride, ride. So then his buddy, Daniel took him for a ride in the second truck. Of course, when they got back he had to try out all of the gadgets inside that truck.

These guys are so awesome. They had a real fireman helmet for Bryce. He is kinda scared of it right now, but I know it will not be long before he wears it everywhere!! We were there for about an hour and a half today. I told them that if they were not careful, Bryce would try to make this an everyday thing. So what do they do - they ask them to come back on Monday (these guys are off until then!) I think they need to start paying him!!!

Thank you to our fire department for opening up your firehouse to a 2 year old! Not many people are willing to do that (not that I blame them!) Ya'll have made him EXTREMELY happy - and spoiled!! When we see a firetruck now (anywhere) he starts naming his new friends. Apparently Al, Ronny and Daniel are the only ones that use the big red trucks!

I am going to post pictures in an entry of their own!

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