Sunday, February 19, 2006

Dear Aunt Heather:

Mommy is freezing me out of the house. I could REALLY, REALLY use a nice warm fireman quilt to keep me warm at night. It would go great with the fireman room Mommy finally got done for me!! I love you and will keep watch in the mail! Thank you. BryBry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear BryBry,
I don't very often get a chance to read your Mom's blogs, but I was able to read your letter to Aunt Heather. Maybe Mom hasn't told you that Aunt Heather is going to school right now. You know, just like your brothers Caleb and Isaac do. She really doesn't have any free time while she's in school. Aunt Heather takes care of all five of your cousins, plus does the cooking and cleaning plus goes to school. She is a junior at Regis University now so her classes are getting a bit harder and take alot of her time. Maybe you could ask your Mommy to have Aunt Heather send the material to her and your Mommy could get the blanket done on the day you go to school for parents day out. Let me know what your Mommy says okay.
Lots of love - Grandma