Sunday, December 02, 2007

Search for Boobies

Friday was Parents Night Out at church. When I got home with the kids, they were supposed to go get ready for bed. Before I could even get in the house Bryce was talking about Caleb being on my computer. I came in to my laptop and saw Caleb running away. He had typed in a search. My mouth dropped!!!

He searched boobie. Just imagine what came up - and it was nothing for nine year old eyes!!

I asked him why he typed that in. At first he said he didn't do anything. I told him I did not type that in and he was the only one home that could type or spell. Then he said it "just came up when I typed something in." Then said he was trying to look up a bird. I gave him a funny "PLEASE" look - and before I could say anything he ran in and got a book. There really is a boobie bird!!! It is called a blue-footed boobie bird

Oh, the innocence!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonder who was the most surprised. Mom or Caleb?
Love, Mom/G-ma