Thursday, December 06, 2007


Andrew is able to hold things in his hands forever!! I hope that does not mean he is unable to relax! It is amazing though. Yesterday he held onto a ball almost ALL day! We went through stores, eating, etc. and kept that ball in his hand. This evening, Andrew was playing - until he could not play anymore. He crawled up to me, I picked him up and he was out. I got up to put him in bed and when I went through his doorway something hit the door. I thought I hit his head or something - but it was his hammer in his hand behind my back.

He cracks me up with this hammer. The blue side is springy. So, it doesn't really hurt too bad - which is good because he is constantly hitting himself (and anything or anyone that gets inbetween him and the hammer)in the head with it!

The hammer is in a different position in the two pictures because I tried to take it. He woke up, sat up and took his hammer back - then laid back down and went to right back to sleep.


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