Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Great Traveler

I was concerned about flying with Andrew by myself. I am not sure why! He was great. We left for the airport at 4:30 Friday morning and did not get to Denver until 10:30. Each time we got on a plane, he was asleep before we were in the air. He would either fall asleep while we were waiting for everyone to board or while we were taxing to the runway. The few times he woke up in flight, he quietly talked to me or the people around us. Then he would go back to sleep. If you ever have a child that just won't sleep - take him on an airplane! I guess the constant engine noise hums them right to sleep!!

Everyone stopped and talked to him. We had all of the flight attendents coming over to talk to him when he was awake. Everyone was commenting on how well behaved he was. From Houston to Denver and Denver to Houston I was upgraded to first class. I am sure that all of those business people wondered why there was a baby in first class and did not look forward to the flight when they saw him. I got many comments from them about how quiet he was!

The above picture was taken on our way home. We had a three hour layover in Houston. I dreaded it, but it turned out for the best! I left my front carrier on the airplane. I got all the way to my next gate (which required quite a hike and a train)before I realized I did not have it. I had someone call the gate and see if it was there - and it was. But I had to hike all the way back to my original gate, pushing the stroller, carrying our carry-ons, jackets, etc. and then go back to my departing gate. Since I had such a long layover I was able to do all of that, get lunch and change Andrew and get some bottles made. Then we still had time to sit and chat. The picture was during the time we were chatting. After all of the running around and flying, he was still ALL smiles!

He was more than ready to get home and crawl around! He was not going to sit in anything that meant he was strapped down though.

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