Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The "New" Coal

It has long been said that if you are not good throughout the year, Santa brings you coal. The boys have not had their greatest year so far! So, this year they are getting "coal".

We have always had to be creative with "Santa". We try not to over-emphasize Santa, but still want the kids to have fun with him. Caleb has always doubted his existence. He thinks to logically. "How can Santa deliver gifts to everyone in one night?" We have had "Santa" gifts out early, and told them that Santa dropped them off and asked us to wrap them to save him time (we have never had anyplace to store gifts in the past), we have put out oats and glitter to feed the reindeer, etc. I think this year is the best idea yet!

Daddy and I got the idea to wrap some of the boys stuff...stuff they already have! As if that is not bad enough, we are not giving their toys back to them - we are giving them to one of their brothers. They trophy that has Caleb's name on it is going to Isaac. Bryce's firetruck sign is going to Caleb, the remote to Caleb's Robosapien is going to Bryce, etc.

These gifts are all wrapped and signed by Santa. With these gifts will also sit a note that says something to the effect of Santa always knows what the boys do, and to please behave better next year.

After the boys open ALL of their other gifts, someone will sneak out and ring the doorbell. When the other one of us can FINALLY unlock the door, the boys will find three new bikes sitting outside.

I know - WE ARE MEAN!!! It is so much fun though!! The boys think that Santa will bring what they want - just because he is Santa! As much as the boys tease us, we will tease back!

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