Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Andrew's drs appt

I wanted to update about Andrew real quick. For those who do not know what is going on, we went for our check-up with the GI dr yesterday. The weight I thought Andrew had gained - he either never gained (they weighed him with his clothes, shoes, etc. on) or he lost weight. He is pretty close to the same weight as he was 6 weeks ago at our last visit.

She is concerned because of the amount he eats and the fact that he is not gaining anything. She sent us to Children's today for a Sweat test. This test for cystic fibrosis. She is basically trying to start with the least painful, nicest test - and start ruling things out. We are not overly concerned with him actually testing positive for it, even though it is not something you want to hear about even be a possibility! I have purposely not read much on it. I researched what to expect with todays test, and what cystic fibrosis was (on a basic level). I am on a need to know basis - that is all I need to know for now!

We got there, and they washed Andrew's arm with soap and water really well. Then they used acetone to get the oils off. THen they held these wire things (great medical terms here!!) on his arm for five minutes. This did something to stimulate his sweat glands. Then they take those off and covered his arm with a piece of plastic. They had gauze between his arm and the plastic. THen they wrap it in an ace bandage type thing. Then we were free to do whatever we wanted to for 30 minutes.

We went back, they took off the bandage and plastic, weighed the gauze to make sure they had enough sweat and we were done. In and out in less than an hour (of a CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL - AMAZING)! He never as much as fussed the entire time. He flirted the whole time, played with his hammer and talked. We get the results tomorrow afternoon.

He goes next Wednesday for a scope. We originally had it scheduled for Jan 2, but I called and talked to the nurse and explained that I would have to pay $2200 out of pocket if I do it after the 31st. They are working us in next week. This one will be a long day! They actually put him to sleep, so we have to get there several hours early for prep, then do the scope, then wait for him to wake up and everything to wear off. We should get those results pretty quick too.

I will keep you all posted on him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. I'm keeping you guys in my prayers. Lindsay