Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Coffee Drinker is Born

Last night I made coffee for me and hot chocolate with whipped cream for everyone else. I have made the older three hot chocolate before and they were not big on it. They complained about it being too hot and didn't really drink it.

I wasn't sure if I should make it for AJ. I started to figure it would be too hot and he would not drink it. Then I remembered he LOVES to take sips out of my coffee, even when it is "extra hot".

So I made him some too. The four boys sat at the table sipping there hot chocolate (although the older three sipped it with spoons). It was so nice listening to them laugh and giggle and talk NICELY to each other.

Andrew kept calling the hot chocolate coffee. The poor guy has been with his Mommy too long I guess.

This morning I woke up to pitter-pattering of feet headed to my room. But the pitter patters suddenly started fading and never made it to my bed. Then there was clanking from the living room/kitchen area. I figured I should go investigate.

I walked in to see Andrew leaving the bathroom with a step stool, headed for the kitchen. The pantry door was open.

"What ya doin, AJ?"

"I make you coffee. I make me coffee."

The hot chocolate was out and mugs were out. He was just trying to get to the water.

That's my boy!!

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