Tuesday, August 18, 2009


After about an hour long battle this evening, locked in her bedroom, I got Madeleine to take a bottle!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have been trying for the last week to get her to take formula....she wouldn't even take a bottle. We tried to give her a bottle in July (of apple juice), she was not interested. While we struggled with Andrew when he had to change formula, we have NEVER had a child that refused a bottle completely.

I had breastfed her about 45 minutes before I attempted to give her a bottle. I had Daddy attempt first. She played with it and gagged on it, but never fussed. After a bit, she started fussing at it and Daddy stopped. I added some breastmilk to the formula (two ounces of formula one ounce breastmilk), put it in two different bottles (the two were mixed, but I thought maybe if she would not take one bottle, she might take another with a different nipple) and we locked ourselves in her room.

After a while she started crying and gagging. I would take the bottle out until she calmed down and then put it back in her mouth. She finally wore herself out and started falling asleep. I don't know if she realized she was sucking down two bottles or not, but she did. Out of three ounces, she took over two ounces.

Now, I hope she remembers that next time!

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