Saturday, August 22, 2009


Mady did GREAT last night! At 9ish, I fed her squash with cereal mixed in it. She ate about half the container. Then I laid her down while I got her stuff ready for bed. I have been giving her 2 ounce bottles at night and then nursing her. Last night I gave her 3 ounces. Then I nursed her.

We are still battling the bottles. I don't even attempt until all the boys are in bed. Then I take her in her room, turn on her lullabies, swaddle her and sit in her rocking chair and talk. When she seems comfortable and happy, I make her mad by giving her the bottle. :) She screams and trys to get away from it, but eventually she gets so tired she gives in. Once she gives in and starts drinking it, she finishes it in no time.

Last night, after she ate the food and took the bottle she kept dozing off while she was nursing. She stopped nursing, opened her eyes wide and smiled. Then she gave the biggest, sweetest, I-am-finally-content sigh (while still smiling). She talked to me for a couple of minutes, then talked to Daddy for a couple of minutes. I laid her in her bed and she was out shortly after.

She went from 9:30ish to 7 am without eating. She woke up at 12:45 and I took her to our room. I then realized I was supposed to be making her cry it out :) So, I did not nurse her, I swaddled her again, gave her a pacifier and laid her in her bassinet. She went right back to sleep. She woke up twice (around 3:30 and 5:15). I put the pacifier in her mouth and she went right back to sleep.

She woke up in a great mood. She usually wakes up in a good mood, but after she eats breakfast she is ready to go back to bed. This morning she was until 10, then dozed in her carseat off and on until she ate again at noon. The entire morning she was very happy and talkative. No fussing. I think she, too, has been suffering from sleep deprivation.

I woke up throughout the night at the times she normally wakes up, but went right back to sleep after seeing she was contently sleeping. She flails around a lot when she sleeps and usually gets out of her swaddle. Last night she managed to stay in it all night and I think that helped her sleep better.

Tonight we will try to do everything the exact same as we did last night. HOPEFULLY, she is getting it all worked out and we will all get some more sleep!

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