Thursday, August 06, 2009

Paul was out mowing last weekend (in shorts and sandals), out in the ditch behind our house. It was pretty high, but he had sprayed round-up in the ditch a couple of weeks ago, and it was brown and dead, so it was pretty easy to cut down. He was just about done (and it was raining) and he stepped down and his foot moved. He looked down to see a Copperhead (about 2 feet long). Luckily it took off into the horse pasture behind us and did not bite Paul.

We are wondering if that is what got Trip and Jake. Jake was already going down hill, but quickly took a turn for the worse when we put him down. Trip was perfectly fine and then wasn't. We have a shed in the dog area on the back of the property. Trip liked to sleep under it or behind it and Jake was frequently behind it or between the back fence and shed. Prime snake areas!

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