Saturday, August 22, 2009

The boys have been asking for Wii Music since they got the Wii at Christmas. Paul and I thought it looked like a good game for them, so I finally got it for them Friday. While we were there I saw a Fireman game. I started to get it for Bryce, but then remembered he got a D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in conduct one day last week (yes, that is SEVEN checks in ONE day)!

This morning I told him about the game and why I did not buy it for him. I told him if he could get an A for two weeks, every day, I would buy him the game. He did this the beginning of last year too. Got tons of checks every day. But as the year progressed and he learned what is expected, he got a lot better. I am trying to push along the knowing what is expected part.

About 15 minutes after we had this talk, Caleb asked why he was crying. He said it was because he didn't get the game. I told him that was a big reward for doing what he is supposed to do everyday anyway and to be glad I am offering it.

a D!!!!!!!!!!

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