Thursday, July 24, 2008

Zigged When I Should Have Zagged

Thanks Daddy for the title.

It has ben one of THOSE days. Seven hours to go to the eye doctor, the mall to exchange two shirts, lunch and the AT&T store. It doesn't help that it started pouring when we were at the mall and I did not think of an umbrella when it was sunny and I went INTO the mall. So, four boys a stroller and I are RUNNING through the parking lot in the rain (me in heels) to the car, we were a tad bit SOAKED.

I get to the car and look at my phone to see that I had chats and 4 missed calls. I look to see they were all my husband. Apparently there was a tanker truck on I-10 that caught fire and 10 was shut down (which is how I get home). He told me I should go the old bridge. I finished my errands and headed home. I IMed him real quick to make sure that I was supposed to take 61 South (I was driving and it was pouring so I sent "61s". He said yes - off I go. After driving TOO LONG, I decide it seemed like something was off. So, I pull over and use the GPS on my phone to see where I am headed. Things looked bad. I call Paul and ask for help.

Let me put a side-note here. Paul can find his way anywhere from anywhere. Me...not so much. I can read a map. I know N, S, E, and W, but I cannot just "end up" where I want to be.

To me, if I live SOUTH of Baton Rouge, I would head SOUTH to get home. WRONG! Turns out I was supposed to head NORTH to get SOUTH!! Make sense? I told Paul I was still going 61 South. "South, why are you going South?"

"I asked you if I was supposed to go 61S and you said yes."

"I didn't put together that S meant south, I never would have guessed you would head South." (What else would S mean when you are discussing directions?)

"Well, we live SOUTH of Baton Rouge, so doesn't common sense say to head south?"

"The old bridge is NORTH of Baton Rouge!"

See my confusion here?

So, after I zigged south for an hour when I should have zagged north for 20 minutes...I-10 was not even backed up anymore! I would have been better off staying on the CLOSED road.


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