Friday, July 18, 2008

ALMOST Potty Training Time Again

Andrew has been wanting to sit on the toilet lately. I have put him on the big toilet several times, but decided instead of chancing scareing him on the big toilet, we would get him a little potty to start getting used to. He is still pretty young to try and potty train, but as long as he is showing interest - who am I too tell him he is too young?

I got it out and assembled it (yes - actually had to assemble it). He immediately tried to climb on it. I took off his diaper and helped him on it.

I created a potty monster!! Every time he would get off the potty, I would say "let's put on a diaper" he would run back to the potty and sit down. When my realtor called and I HAD to make him get off the potty and put the diaper on - he SCREAMED!!

He has asked every day since we got it to sit on it. I find it hard to believe he will be easier to potty train than Bryce was! He basically figured it out in a day. Not that he had it down perfect, but he loved using the potty and actually figured it out on his own by running around naked outside.

This is one of those times I would LOVE to be pleasantly surprised.

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