Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Isaac Catches a Break

The older two boys got their eyes checked this morning. Caleb still needs glasses - as we figured. They are "optional" according to the dr, but he gets headaches at school, so...

Isaac is a little bit far-sided, but he within the margin of error. The dr said he would not need glasses until he was 38 (random age, but he was adament about 38). He said maybe not even then. He also said that in the next year or two Isaac's eyes would get a little longer, most likely, and it would correct the far-sightedness. I am so happy that out of ALL of the problems he has had, this is one thing he is NOT having a problem with. He, on the otherhand, is not happy. He WANTS glasses (probably because his older brother wears them). The nurse and I kept trying to explain that he THINKS he wants glasses, but once he actually HAS to have them, he won't want them. Of course, he does not get that.

They both got their eyes dilated (which I think is kind of pointless for kids, but oh well). We were sitting in the dark room while their eyes were dilating. Isaac says "Mom, I can't see all of my hand." I am laughing inside, but try to be really serious. "YOU CAN'T? Can you see anything?"

"I can see Caleb" (across the room).

Caleb: "I can't see anything close either."

Isaac: "I can't even see my Superman tatoo on my arm!" (Bryce's backpack came with tattoos and he shared with his brothers)

I finally explained it was because of their eyes getting dilated. It was funny that they thought the eye dr was making them go blind though!

They both got to wear those cool rolled up sunglasses home. You know the ones, you unroll and they just sit on your face. THEY think they are cool! OH MY!

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