Friday, July 25, 2008


As you know, Bryce has invisible (aka imaginary) friends - and has had for a while. The mainly only come out when Bryce is getting in trouble and he blames Robby or Kiki or Nemo.

When we tell the boys to get their shoes and socks on to leave, we let THEM get their shoes and socks on. Now we have to check before we actually leave though. Bryce's favorite socks are his "imaginary socks." He wears them WAY too much if you don't check! What is so funny is he is HE brings it up in conversation when he ISN'T wearing socks. We will be in the car headed wherever and he says "I am wearing my invisible socks today."

I told him to throw away ALL of his imaginary socks and whatever makes his imaginary socks and that I never want to not see them again!!

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