Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Strong - Willed Child

What am I going to do with this child?? It seems as though we go through phases with Caleb and his behavior. Lately, he is in his strong-willed-will-not-budge phase. I feel like I talk to him and he hears absolutely nothing I hear. I feel like I am a broken record continuously repeating myself to him. He has quite an attitude on him, too. A lot of the problem is he knows how smart he is, so he will not listen to what anyone says. If he tells you the sky is green and you try to correct him, he will argue with you (even though he knows it is not green).

Paul keeps saying that he gets his stubborness from me - but lets be real - the boy was doomed. If only one of the kids ends up stubborn then we are lucky. Stubborness goes way back - ON BOTH SIDES OF THE FAMILY!! To be honest though, knowing this does not make things any easier now.

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