Monday, March 20, 2006


Caleb believes he only needs to shower on Sundays. When he gets up in the morning and we tell him to get in the shower, he always says "It is not Sunday!" You would think that after all of this time, he would quit making this arguement, but if you know Caleb, you know he ALWAYS has to argue, even when he knows he is wrong!!

I made a cake last night. I was sticking a toothpick in the cake to see if it was done, and Bryce was walking into the kitchen and saw me. He yells "NO!" I asked what was wrong. "You ruining cake! You put holes in it."

Then we were all back in our bedroom. I heard Bryce in the kitchen getting into some candy and called him back to where we all were. He came running to the bedroom with his hands folded in front of him saying "I being have, I being have, I being have!" over and over. I am not sure who he was trying to convince more - us or him!

Then he fell and bit his tongue. He bit is BAD - lots of blood! We had a washcloth on it for a while. He kept looking at the blood and finally said, "Mommy, I need a bandaid!"

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