Monday, May 12, 2008

Selling a House....With Four Kids

Here are some tips for trying to sell a house with four kids. You always have to be ready to show your house quickly, which can make things interesting! We decided to put the house on the market and move while we were in Texas dealing with Paul's sick aunt (and the passing of his aunt). Needless to say, the house was far from ready to show! We spent weekend before last fixing the backyard (filling in holes the dogs have dug, laying some sod where the sandbox used to be - which is the main place the dogs dug) and cleaning the house from top to bottom.

So, here are some things I have learned over the last week or so!

The cleaner you make your house, the dirtier your walls look!

Keep pens away from kids reach. If you don't, as soon as you get the house done, your four year old will decide his bedroom wall needs a mural to help sell the house.

Keep Magic Erasers handy. If you are really lucky, they will erase the mural your before-mentioned four year old created.

Hide the handsoap and toothpaste from the kids and make them ask for it. It seems that to make them cleaner, they must first make the bathroom a wreck.

When you pack a box - IMMEDIATELY TAPE IT!! If you don't, you will get to re-pack said box.

Sometimes it is BEST for the kids to veg in front of the television!

No shoes in the house!

The more the kids see you clean the more they want to make a mess.

Make the kids eat outside - easier to clean the mess!

Put the majority of the kids toys in storage. The toys will be more exciting when you get moved and in the meantime, your house stays that much cleaner.

Don't go to birthday parties and get candy - kids are good at sneaking and hiding candy!

To sum it up - JUST MOVE OUT! It is much easier to keep a house clean when noone is living in it!

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