Monday, May 12, 2008

MORE Bad Weather

It seems like the end of every week we are taking cover! Saturday night, our tornado sirens went off again. This was the first time Daddy was home to experience it with us though. I was in the shower and got out to Paul corraling the kids into the bathroom and the sound of the sirens. I think he was a little late though. It had already gone over us. Our redbud tree at the side of the house got blown over. Paul fixed it Sunday morning and restaked it. It did not break, just blew over where it is planted. Hopefully it will make it! There were a couple of trees blown down over major roads around us and lots of people without electricity.

It was not a tornado this time, just high winds. However, there were more tornados that hit in Arkansas. I don't know why they are being attracted here, but we are tired of them! The state has been affected by every kind of weather damage their is, just about, this year! This storm I believe was the strongest and caused the worst damage out of all that have hit the state so far. And of course, more is coming our way over the next couple of days!

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