Friday, May 30, 2008


So moving day is upon us. I don't know if I will have internet when we get there, so if there is no blogging for a while, that is why. If there is not internet we will be getting a wireless card when we go get our cell phones (it is going to be very strange Paul not having a phone!!). I will update as soon as I can.

Wish us luck with the ever-so-great Uhaul trailer! It will be a LONG drive with four kids, three dogs, multiple plants, a (small) fishtank, a cat, and a partridge in a pear tree (also known as Billy - the parrot)!! Paul gets the dogs, bird and three of the boys (and the trailer). I get Andrew, the cat (in a kennel) and the plants and food!

Fair trade!!!!! :)

No, seriously - last time we went to Louisiana, Andrew SCREAMED the entire way! Hopefully he will do better this time since his carseat is facing forward now! And the cat tends to freak out in the kennel! We are going to have some FUN times tomorrow!!

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