Monday, May 12, 2008

I Have An Announcement....

NO I am NOT pregnant!!

I can now post that we will be moving the beginning of June. I did not want to put anything on here until Paul gave his notice, which he did this morning. The first week of June, after the boys finish school, we will be moving to Louisiana. No offense to anyone who lives there, but Louisiana has never been high on our we-want-to-live-there list, but that is where we are apparantly supposed to be right now.

Paul has been traveling back and forth for the last seven months, working at this chemical plant Monday thru Friday and coming home for the weekends. His job has always meant a LOT of traveling, but this was just too much! We are ready for Daddy to be HOME! He will work from 7:30 to 4, Monday thru Friday, and be home the rest of the time.

The company Paul is with now, he has been with for seven years. It was his first "real" job out of college. He likes the company, he likes the people he works with and he has learned a lot. Unfortunately, with consulting he will always have to travel.

This has been a very long and difficult decision for us. We are so happy where we are. We love the town, the neighborhood, the house, the people, etc. The boys have lots of friends, as do we. This, however is a good career move and a great overall move for our family (just to have Daddy home with us). So after lots of thinking, praying and going back and forth over the pros and cons, we have decided to take the plunge.

We will be living in corporate housing for three months or until our house sells. It has been on the market for a week now. The house we are temporarily moving into is a four bedroom three bath, fully furnished house. It will suck to have to move twice, but we are very greatful to have the house at no expense to us while we are still paying on our house here.

The boys initially were very excited about moving. Now that it is real, they are kind of torn too. I think in the long run they will be happy, but it will be hard for them. Luckily they are all pretty social and make friends easily. Once they realize they have Daddy home and realize they don't have to ask what day Daddy will be home every Monday morning - they will like that we moved.

Caleb will still get to go to church camp with his friends. It is in mid-July, but the camp they are going to is only 2 1/2 hours away from where we will be living, so I am going to drive him up there and pick him up at the end of the week. He is very excited and it will help kind of break up his summer until he starts school and can REALLY start meeting people. I would rather keep them busy over the summer and not really give them a chance to meet too many people where we will be staying temporarily, because that is not where we are planning on staying.

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