Wednesday, October 28, 2009

These Are a Few of HER Favorite Things....

There are a couple of things that Madeleine loves right now and I just have to laugh. Other than her favorite game of peek a boo, she is obsessed with my hair and diamonds!

She loves playing with my hair. She likes pulling it, eating it, wrapping it around her hand, etc. Anything to get her hands on it!

And diamonds....well come on - they ARE a girls best friend, right? I am always wearing the earrings, necklace and ring Paul got me. She holds them and stares at them. It is like they hynotize her every time she sees them. She has not tried to take them yet, but I am sure I need to start hiding them the rare occasions they are not on me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are going to have fun...or a fight on your hands. Can't wait to see what you post in a few years.