Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The LAST Thing I Need....

Paul had a sinus infection for a long time. I kept telling him to go to the dr, but he kept saying he didn't have time. Even when I told him I would make the appt, he would keep saying he didn't have time.

The nurse at the office made an appt for him. She didn't ask, she just did it and told him he had an appt set (Yeah, I am a little annoyed that he let someone else make an appt...but whatever, he went).

He had a sinus infection. He was given antibiotics and they helped some, but did not get rid of it all the way.

Fast forward to this past weekend. Sunday his head started hurting. Not like a headache, like his scalp hurt. He went and looked and his head was covered in blisters.

He went to the dr yesterday. He has a staph infection. The antibiotics he was on wiped out all his good bacteria and at some point he came in contact with staph. Of course, he was playing with the kids, holding Mady, cooking, as normal.

So, we are hoping hoping hoping that this does not make it rounds through the family. I cannot even imagine.....

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