Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Working Out

I got the Wii Fit a while back and used it for a bit, but just didn't really care for the exercises much. I would end up doing the same exercise over and over. While it kept track of your weight gain or lose, how long you are working out, what you were doing and stuff like that, I wanted a more structured way to do it. I wanted to see exactly what each exercise I was doing was accomplishing.

Enter the Wii Active. I got this and the More Wii Active exercises game last weekend. I started working out on it Monday. I am doing a 30 day challange on one game and a 6 week challange on the other. Don't ask me why I chose to do challanges on both games to start off with. After I finished the first workout on the first game I didn't feel like it was enough. Between the hour a day of doing THEIR exercises and then going hiking for about an hour in a half (carrying 17+ pound Mady in the front carrier and very up and down terrain) I am feeling it today! I am not as sore as I thought I would be, but definently feeling it!).

This one not only has better exercises, but it also shows how many calories you are burning, how long you are working out, etc. AND, the second game you are working out on a beach....which is my goal (we going to the beach in seven months), so it helps keep me focused! With doing the challanges, the exercise plan is all laid out for you. You just do what they tell you to do each day. Let me tell you....with the Fit, I never really felt like I was getting a good workout. I finish on this one with my heart racing and HOT!

I really wanted to join a gym to have others to keep me accountable for my workouts. It is easy to fall off the wagon - especially in this crazy house! I am SO tired by the time I get the kids in bed that I don't want to do anything. But, for now I am doing the workouts after their bedtime. Maybe after school starts back I will start doing it in the mornings before they get up.

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