Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Eight Months

Mady has started some new things the last week or two and I wanted to get them on here. She is giving kisses (I think I may have posted that already), but she is quite stingy with them. She gives them to her ballerina puppet more than to Daddy or I. Daddy gets the second most. I do the most for her and I get the fewest, but I am not bitter or anything!

Actually, I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching her give her Daddy big slobbery kisses and seeing him smile and give them back. Makes my heart melt!!

She is pulling herself up all the time. Last night she took a couple of steps, but that was the only time so far.

She is waving and saying bye bye. It is SO cute. She will be waving and then she will see her hand waving and start studying the movement. She waves both at herself and out to everyone else.

She likes to say Dada (still most frequently said word, but bye bye is a close second), bye bye and mama over and over in a growling voice with her tongue sticking out. It is quite funny.

Everything is still going into her mouth. And I mean EVERYTHING! Quite gross...especially with four boys and two dogs!

Diaper changes and getting dressed have become a challange. She rolls over as soon as you lay her down and then trys to crawl away. Needless to say, the changing table is a goner. Speaking of dressing and diapers, she is in a size 3 diaper and wearing 12 month clothes mostly....she is SO long!

We are starting a new fight. As hard as she was to get onto a bottle and formula, we are having as equally big of a fight trying to get her to use a sippy cup. She knows how and she will take a few sips here and there, but she prefers her bottle and would assume go without as to give in to the cup!

On the upside, she is on stage 3 food and will not touch stages 1 or 2. She prefers whatever we are eating. For Christmas she ate turkey, mashed potatoes (a favorite) and gravy, stuffing and watergate salad. She was SO happy and ate a lot!

She is back to not sleeping all night too. She still will cry for HOURS if we don't go in and give her a bottle. It is fine letting her "cry it out" the last couple of weeks because noone has to get up early, but when kids have school and they are having to listen to her it gets a little more rough!

It has been so much fun watching how different she is from the boys (maybe more interesting than fun :))! She has had the same attitude since she was born and the boys are not helping it! She wants what she wants when she wants it. That is not always the most feasible thing in this house!

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