Saturday, December 05, 2009

Snow 2009

We made it until 6:30 this morning before being bombarded with boys dressed in coats screaming of snow. We made them wait for us to shower and get dressed. Then we had to get the little two dressed. Really, we were trying to let the rest of the neighborhood sleep a little longer before the loud, excited boys were released.

We went outside. Mady immediately got a big smile and started getting excited. I put her at the end of the driveway next to the snow. I didn't figure she would want to sit IN the snow! I got a handful of snow and she immediately grabbed some and tasted it (the first two pics). She was very happy out there looking around at all of her crazy brothers and the dogs.

Andrew was cold. He didn't much care for it. He didn't much care for it the last two years either if I remember correctly. He walked around for a few minutes and then started whining and went inside.

Bryce got mad because we would not let him play in the sandbox. That was as soon as we walked outside so I did not get ANY pictures of him. AND, the ONE weekend we are supposed to get snow - the child leaves his brand new coat at school!!

Isaac and Caleb actually went out and played. Caleb did more torturing than anything, but that is his duty, right?

This morning the sun is shining and the snow is already quickly melting. Caleb said he thought it might last until Christmas. I told him he was lucky he got ANY where we live, but that comment holds no meaning anymore! :)

I took Bryce out and got some pics of him:

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