Monday, December 07, 2009

Andrew Meets Santa!

We were out running a few errands this morning. Andrew, Mads and me. As we walked through the mall I saw the familiar setup of the Santa portrait area. We have never done these because they have become so RIDICULOUSLY priced. It is like going and getting professional pictures made! What ever happened to a dollar for a polaroid shot? And, you can't just go sit on his lap without buying pictures! Not to mention, I don't want my kids thinking Santa is a stressed out, annoyed man who wants to do bare minimum to BE Santa!

I digress. So, we are walking and we see Santa.

Now, most of the Santa's I have seen at the mall seem like they would rather be anywhere than sitting with kids on and off their laps, crying, jumping, screaming, and everything else that scared, excited or scared and excited kids do.

This, quite possibly, could have been THE Santa Claus. He had a real, long, thick beard. His hair was white, but just unwhite enough for it to be obvious it was HIS hair, with soft curls coming out of the back of his hat. He had the rosiest of rosy cheeks. His hat sat just right on his head. His red was RED and his white was SNOW WHITE on his clothes. You could have seen your reflection in his black boots.

He had a very enthusiastic "HO! HO! HO! MERRY CHRISTMAS" as we approached him. Andrew cautiously held my hand and watched him as he rang his bells. When we got in front of him Andrew stopped. I stopped and waited to see what he was going to do. He let go of my hand and grabbed my leg, but never took his eyes of Santa or took his thumb away from his mouth (when he is nervous or scared he will hold his thumb to his lips, but not suck on it). Santa leaned down and forward a bit, but not getting too close to scare him. He whispered "Guess what?"

Andrew looks at me and says "Wha?"

Santa says "This may be a surprise to you, but you are on my good list AGAIN this year."

Andrew smiled and looked at me and eased the grip on my leg.

Santa said "Do you know what these are?" as he held up his ring with bells on it.

Andrew shook his head no.

"THESE," he said with excitement and mystery in his voice "are my magic reindeer bells. Would YOU like to see them?"

Andrew shook his head yes and Santa handed them to him. Andrew STUDIED these bells, rang them a few times and then handed them back (I was kind of worried how he would give them back because when we went to storytime, he would scream everytime it was time to give the bells back).

Santa talked to him a bit more. He told Andrew to give him five and Andrew got a big smile and slapped his hand. Then he asked Andrew if he would shake his hand, which he did.

Then, right before we were about to go so another child could have a great experience, he asked Andrew what he wanted for Christmas. Guess what he said! Yep, "I wan a pirate monkey cowboy!"

I asked Andrew if he wanted a picture with Santa. He grabbed my leg again and said no. I really wanted a picture of this Santa because he was THE perfect Santa, but I did not want to ruin this great moment for Andrew by forcing him to do it. He has not stopped talking about him though. He says if Daddy will go with us he will get a picture with Santa. Maybe Friday morning we can get one.

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