Sunday, September 04, 2005

The Magical Green Thumb

Everyday Caleb has been at school he brings home a "bouquet" of flowers. By the time they are fished out of the backpack - which they were put in sometime that morning - they are looking...well...DEAD! Caleb is always very proud of the flowers, so I play along and let him put them in a vase with water.

He put them in the vase - and they always end up looking like they did when they were in the ground. To hear it from Caleb, he knew that would happen. The flowers are simply sleeping until they can get some water.

Though they may not look like much more than a weed to most, to me it makes every "I hate you," and "I don't want to be a part of this family anymore" disappear, and is instead a daily reminder of how much I love my children and how glad I am to be a mother.

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