Monday, September 05, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

We spent the weekend at Paul's great aunts house, helping her do some work around the house. Unfortunately, Paul has gone down to the gulf to work with the railroads that were hit by the hurricane. It is always hard on the kids, especially Caleb because he understands better what is going on, when he goes out of town. This one has been especially hard. Caleb has heard about the hurricane, because there are so many people that have came here from it, and because that is all that is on the tv and in the papers.

When Caleb found out Paul was going, he said "Oh no - Daddy is going to drowned." Paul sat down and talked to him and said that he would be very careful and would not get in the water. When he saw that Paul had a sleeping bag he asked "are you going to float on the sleeping bag so you don't drowned?"

He understands a little better now about what he is doing, but it is still hard. This is a hard trip for me too. This is the first emergency - out of 4 1/2 years of emergencies - where we have not been able to get a hold of him whenever we want. Where he has been the last couple of nights, he has had a hotel, electricity, water and phone service. When he travels though - NOTHING! He went prepared to stay in shelters or tents - which some of the other guys have had to do. I do get calls, if not from him then from his boss, saying he is safe.

My prayers go out to those that were hit by this horrific storm, and those who lost something or everything - or someone! I know how hard it is to have my husband down there in the aftermaths, and he is being taken care of, many aren't.

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