Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

Parenting is definently getting more challenging! The older the boys get, the more they understand and ask questions. Hurricane Katrina hit me hard, mainly because I see all of this suffering and don't feel like I can do anything. I donated, but I still don't feel as though I am doing enough. The other reason I think it hit me so hard is because Caleb has asked so many questions about it. I don't let the boys watch the news, but Katrina coverage is on every station, so any time he turns the tv on he is bombarded with this. I answer what he asks, but try not to go into any more detail than I have too. Maybe what it is is that I have watched Caleb grow up and mature a lot in the last year. He has had so much to try to understand, and it has all hit him at once. I am so proud of him though. He asks questions and tries to understand, and then moves on. It seems as though he is six going on 20 sometimes!!

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