Wednesday, August 31, 2005

"Mom, Guess What"

Everyday when I pick Isaac up from therapy, as soon as we get in the car and start driving, Isaac starts this conversation: "Mom guess what." "What?" I ask. "...... and guess what." "What Isaac?" "........ and guess what." This conversation goes on the whole way home which is usually about 5 - 10 minutes. Usually he is so excited that I rarely am able to understand what he is saying. I love when he does this though, even if I don't always understand what he is so excited about, it is nice to hear the excitement in his voice.

Isaac is a very loving child, sometimes to a fault, if that is possible. When I pick him up and ask how he did, they usually respond with something along the lines of "he was really loving today." In his physical therapy he has to practice falling. His therapist told me that he will not fall on the mat, instead he falls into her arms with a hug. I would probably rather give hugs than to have to fall continuously on demand too!!!

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