Saturday, August 13, 2005

I have not written the last couple of days, so I thought I should do an entry. We had to take Caleb to the doctor Thursday because he broke out in a rash all over his torso. The doctor said he has scarlatina, caused by a strep infection caused by the bug bites becoming infected. He is on antibiotics and medicine kind of like Benadryl, but stronger. He actually alternates Benadryl and this other med every 3 hours. Unfortunately for me - although Benadryl and this other med usually makes kids very sleepy - it has the opposite effect on Caleb. He gets hyper!

Isaac is acting out about something - I am not sure what though. When a child has a hard time talking - it makes it difficult to know what he is thinking. He has been hiding things (food, his brother's toys, objects of Moms and Dads, etc) for awhile now. He has recently started pulling his pants down and peeing on the floor, then covering it with toys. Mom says to make him clean up the mess and ignore it, he is just trying to get attention, so that is what I am going to try. I am very glad at this point that we have a carpet shampooer! Between this and potty training it will be worth every dime we paid for it.

Bryce is doing really well at potty training. I am not saying we do not have accidents, because we do, but for him to have only been doing this for less than a month, he is doing exceptionally well. Unfortunately he is too little to sit on the big potty (and to climb onto the big potty). He stands on his step stool to pee in the big potty, but he will not sit on the little potty to take care of other business. He did it once, but that was when he was first starting and actually used the small potty. Now, since he sees everyone else use a big potty - that is all he wants to use. He is polite enough to ask for a diaper when he needs to do that business, and I try to convince him to sit on the potty, but he is not interested. You can either put the diaper on him or clean it out of his underwear. I am trying to let him do this at his pace, so I will help him with the diaper! Already though, we can take him out in underwear to do grocery shopping, or whatever, and he does not have accidents. He will use the public bathrooms if he has too. I must admit though, I think the toilets in those places are getting taller and taller. Isaac has to stand on my feet to make it in the potty in public, and poor Bryce has to be held over the toilet, which makes it kinda hard to concentrate on what you are supposed to be doing. I can tell you this, whoever designs these bathrooms do not have kids in the potty training stage. Either they have grown kids and have forgotten what it is like, or they have babies and have no idea or they have never had kids!! They could at least leave a step stool in there!

Time to get busy on housework and maybe we can find something fun to do today. We are staying away from the park for awhile - that is for sure!!

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