Sunday, August 07, 2005

Boys and Bugs

It has been a busy weekend. We took the boys to the park last night to fly their new airplanes and go for a walk. It must be so great to have the energy, especially in the evenings, to chase planes all over the park. We did not get expensive planes that fly back to you once you shoot them off. Once they were shot, someone had to go get them - and it was not going to be me! It was a race everything to see who could get them first. As soon as they got them they would run them back to Daddy to shoot them again. You would think after an hour of that they would be tired, especially when you think that the plane flies about 60 feet each time and we are talking some short legs here!
After they flew the planes we walked the trail that goes around the park. The boys really enjoyed that - especially Caleb. There were fireflies EVERYWHERE! He was so upset when we were in Colorado backpacking because he never saw any. The first time he tried to catch one he actually did. I don't know who was more shocked - Daddy and I or Caleb. He decided to let that one go and wait until he got closer to the car to catch one and take home. I guess from now on we have to carry little clear jars with us! By the end of the night he had caught 5 and Daddy caught one for him. Now, Caleb has a tendency to put bugs in his pockets to bring home from wherever. Usually though, by the time he actually makes it home the bug is missing some limbs. He never understands why they don't wake up, and we just tell him that they need to be in the wild to wake up. Thank goodness, for now anyway, he buys that, and by the next day believes that the bug has flown away.

By some miracle this time the firefly made it home. Of course, I missed Firefly 101 in school and do not have any clear jars sitting around the house. I guess the boys are all of age that I need to take Firefly 101, and grasshopper 101, and rollie pollie 102 (I used to play with them, so I know some about them). I will now have to go buy 3 glass jars so all of the boys have their own bug house.

When we got home we had watermelon. We don't buy watermelon much because of the tremendous mess it makes, but it is fun to have on occasion. Isaac loves watermelon, and after cutting his into small and taking all the seeds out he decided to instead eat the rine. After several times of telling him not to eat that part, he finally decided it did not taste very good and started eating the fruit. A juicy mess later he had finished it and was asking for more.
Bryce has never had his own piece of watermelon to tend too, mostly because of fear that he would choke on the seeds. The first bite he took, he bit into a seed. It was downhill from there! He was scared to take another bite because he said it hurt. I guess it did not feel good biting into the seeds! Then he noticed the black seeds on the plate and kept saying they were bugs. He kept picking them out of the watermelon and then throwing them onto the table with some ucky faces. If he was not throwing them onto the table he was blowing on them, which is what he does if he sees a real bug. I think in the long run he decided that watermelon was not his fruit of choice. He just could not comfortably take a bite knowing that there was a possibility of there being bugs in it.

Having a house full of boys is a constant learning process for me!! I am such a girlie girl, I never thought I would be setting up bug houses and picking "bugs" out of watermelon. I already feel like a live in a boys locker room, which is really scary when you think that the oldest is only six. What is going to happen when I have a house full of teenage boys and their Daddy who still acts like a teenage boy? That is not a question that I want any responses too. Let me live with the hope that it will get better, even if it is a naive thought!

1 comment:

Gracie said...

your boys are so cute! I have 3 little ones of my own but only 1 boy (age3) I love reading the funny stories oh and the potty training....not there yet with mine so funny to read!!!