Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Caleb's Girl Troubles

This conversation happened last week, after school one day (I forgot to post it).

Caleb came home from school complaining that his hand hurt. I asked what he did to it and he responded, "Well, I kinda forgot that some flowers are not for picking. I picked some flowers that had these things in them." He pointed to his hand and it looked like he had some thorns of some kind in it. "What were you picking flowers for?" I quizzed. "My girlfriend. I don't get to see her much because she is not in my class." he said proudly. I innocently asked who is girlfriend was. His response, "Hailey! I don't know why you can never remember who my girlfriend is." Then he stormed out of my bedroom

Now, you should all know that Caleb is quite the ladies man, and already has MANY girlfriends. Not only does he have many girlfriends but he is going to marry all of them, "like you and Daddy got married" he tells me. Any place he goes on a regular basis where girls are present, he has a different girlfriend. Is this what I have to look forward to with all of the boys. I know - it will get MUCH worse!!


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Anonymous said...

Come now Meaghan,

Just wait until your sons start discussing kissing girls with each other and their aunt and uncle...lol. I know you know what that is like and have an inkling of what you have to look forward to. Love you Sis