Monday, February 08, 2010

Super Bowl

We finally have EVERYONE well again! Thank goodness! Andrew and Mady were both running fever again Friday and Saturday and Andrew's allergies were horrible Friday (eyes swollen, watering, runny nose). So glad to start a new week!

I had a very productive weekend of getting some stuff reorganized. I feel like things are calming down with Mady enough that I can get things back to where they were pre-Mads! I am a very organized person and the lack of organization was really starting to get to me.

We spent last night watching the Super Bowl. None of our friends and family WANTED to cheer on the Saints (they all have teams they would prefer to win over us), but I have cheered for them all season and I am so glad they won. I think that was the best game of the year (for any team!). They took some awesome chances that paid off and not only did the underdogs win, but they won by TWO AWESOME touchdowns!

I walked outside after the game just to hear what could be heard. There was a LOT to be heard! Our usually quiet-after-dark neighborhood was ALIVE and celebrating. There were gunshots (not really a big fan of shooting guns to show my excitement - but noone was injured), fireworks (someone saved up from New Years I guess), hollering, horns honking! Even as late as a couple of hours after the game I took the dogs out and was still hearing the effects of the game.

The news this morning said traffic was worse before 6 this morning than normal rush hour is. There was not a lot of sleep to be had in the state last night.

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