Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Vegetable Sandwich

Caleb likes very strange sandwiches. We have always made fun of his very disgusting inventions (he is reading this over my shoulder while I type it with a huge smile on his face!) Now when I say strange and disgusting, I am not exaggerating. For example, his first really gross invention was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Not just any pb&j though. He added turkey, cheese, tomato and chips. What is worse than the fact that he made it - HE LOVED IT!! He ate the whole sandwich and has made it several times since. He also likes peanut butter and guacamole. Tonight though, it was a "vegetable sandwich." I am not sure why it is called this though. It is made of baby carrots (whole baby carrots!), turkey and crushed up fritos. HE IS A STRANGE CHILD!!!

Beware if he ever offers to fix you food. Just like his Daddy, he likes to try new creations frequently!! You will be expected to eat it whether you like it or not!

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